Hinweis zum Jugendschutzgesetz!
Auf unseren Internetseiten werden Produkte dargestellt, die von Jugendlichen unter 18 Jahren nicht erworben werden dürfen.
Note about the law regarding youth protection! We have products on our website which may not be purchased by children under 18 years.
Our Greizer Cream Liqueurs are produced in a special cold production process. We distinguish two types:
1. The Fruit Cream Liqueurs such as strawberry-cream which are made using quality fruit juices, special cream and other selected ingredients. The manufacturing process remains our secret because it is very difficult to mix fruit juice and cream to a stable mixture.
2. Traditional Cream Liqueurs e.g. Greizer Nuss-Nougat. We recommend serving the Greizer Cream Liqueurs at a temperature between 8 °C to 12 ° C and enjoying it either alone or added to desserts. Cream Liqueurs should not be stored at temperature below 4 ° C and above 24 ° C as otherwise the stability and flavor of the products may be impaired.
Greizer Blaubeer-Sahne
Greizer Erdbeer-Sahne
Greizer Nuß-Nougat-Sahne