Hinweis zum Jugendschutzgesetz!
Auf unseren Internetseiten werden Produkte dargestellt, die von Jugendlichen unter 18 Jahren nicht erworben werden dürfen.
Note about the law regarding youth protection! We have products on our website which may not be purchased by children under 18 years.
Our fine Greizer liqueur specialties are made according to traditional recipes.
For that reason only high quality fruit juices, natural flavors, sugar and agricultural alcohol are used. To enhance the flavor we store the products for 4 weeks. After that they will be filtered and carefully bottled.
These Liqueur Classics develop their full flavor at a drinking temperature of 8 ° C to 12 ° C. They can be used for mixed drinks or you can enjoy them just pure.
Greizer Blue Curacao
Greizer Marille